Why I hate the United States

Why the US is not good though giant 

Yes. Agreed. The United States of America is one of the most advanced country in the world in terms of military, space technology, GDP, consumption, fundings to UN and several other parameters. These stuffs are all well-known to everyone. What only few people do know is, the other diametrically blacker side of it. The masked face of the CIA (Central Investigation Agency) which is under the supervision of National Security Council and presidents counting Jimmy Kartar, Roland Reagan, George.W.Bush (too) who are "appointed" by world-class MNC businessmen and how it is manipulating truth behind its every actions for the sake of political favour, how it is allegedly involved in cold blooded murder of many world leaders including Indira Gandhi-the Indian women icon, Che Guvera, the failed attempt to kill Fidel Castro and such things.
The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) and wikiLeaks have time to time made these arrogant moves, mainly of business motive, to come to light. I always have had a bad image on the American imperialistic government, primarily after reading the inspiring histories of Che Guvera, China, Castro, LTTE, Russian socialism and such. The devastation and sufferings inflicted to people of Latin American nations, especially in Argentina, Chile, Nicaragua by the American aided governments there, the CIA's atrocities in Cuba to change politics in favour of U.S corporations are all unforgettable. Can you figure out the reason for these? It's the awful lot of minerals found in Chile and other south American countries and the resourceful plus fertile agricultural lands of Cuba that induced these extraordinary attempts. Every Cuban would remember the black days under economic ban imposed on it by the U.S. from which they have overcome under the robust leadership of Castro.
Americans are against war. Always. Not American businessmen who decide whom should the media to portray as hero to become the next authoritarian. Only a few non-american statesmen are able to percieve the presence of super-American defence equipment manufacturers behind many of the wars taking place in the world, including the prolonging headache of India-Pakistan. How could a company that has spent billions and billions of dollar in defence technology could thrive if the world becomes a peaceful park? Logical truth.
Almost all. The faith of the world people including Americans is betrayed in almost all issues or events what the American and international media covers on the government.

Past and present. 

Neil Armstrong made history on 1960 by landing his Apollo craft on moon for the first time in human history. This is what every school child in the world believes from the textbooks and pictures. But, have you ever noticed the absence of stars behind the picture taken in moon of Armstrong saluting his nation's fluttering(!) flag? Although NASA claims a long explanation for the flag to flutter in zero windy moon atmosphere, it proved insufficient. What analysts say as the possible reason behind this faking is to bankrupt Soviet Union who, at once after knowing this would pool their resources developing useless machines to be sent into orbit around earth or moon to rival U.S.
Starting arms race is the highly effective technique U.S so far has found to retard many nations from developing further. America succeeded against Soviet Union by this method which if not devised, could have let the Communist nation, whose ultimate goal is people's welfare, develop dramatically into power. Communism is the same reason which made Vietnam (between 1955-75) to lose much of its beautiful green landscape to American warplanes and soldiers raid. But in this case, the superpower nation had to face huge human losses in Vietnamese dense forests and withdraw. Not only in this Asian nation, but also got "virtually" defeated in Cuba.
Look at every collision in this little world and there would be United States backing one of them giving ammunition and technological support or intelligence data indirectly, though not directly with troops in ground in all cases. Example can be given easily with the tensions prevailing in Korean peninsula between north and south where U.S aids the south Korea. Now more recently it has a new job of raising tensions in south China sea on an island which China has traditionally control over for centuries. Take the Iraq war of 2003 as another example. Neither Saddam Hussain nor the sufferings of ShiyaMuslims there that urged U.S to wage the war. It was the damn oil politics that made sshe  an attack of large scale.
The current face of terror & draconian killings to the entire world, ISIS has 'Jihadism' as its basis. Jihadism traces its origin to the Fall of Russian Socialism in 1991 into 15 Muslim nations which is essentially a brilliant work by CIA of flaring up their jihadi feelings 'to kill infidels' found in the lines of Koran. And that, is the start of Islamic radicalists which eventually hit America too, as the sower had to reap the "benifits" of what they did. Of course, the massacre of people by Islamic organisations is unacceptable but the dishonest and treacherous acts of the so-called world leader is even worse.

Next Bio-Piracy. While this one not just belongs to America but many other developed and industrialized nations, we'll restrict ourselves to the number one pirate-America. Industrialized nations are rich in finance and technological resources but poor in bio-diversity and hierarchical knowledge on flora and fauna of a region compared to historical lands like China, Indian subcontinent etc.. So the Western countries turned to acquiring knowledge from people with rich heritage without suitable compensation and manufacture it commercially. Also the patent validity in America is more than any other nation with 17 long years. U.S is the first nation to give copyright to biological organisms which has many dangerous effects on food security and on availability of important resources to the public. Coming are such plants with extraordinary properties that are commercialized without proper rights and compensation: 
1. Catharanthus roseaus :its an indigenous plant called locally as 'Ainskati', with amazing anti-cancer properties. But it has been acquired from local people without giving them proper compensation and then commercialized into anti-cancer drug. Not stops with that. They have patented the plant so the plant that has been used by us traditionally for years have become a property of an MNC and the traditional owners now cannot do researches developing it.
2. Basmathi rice: It has originated and been grown here in the Indian subcontinent for thousands of years. But it has been copyrighted by an American MNC under their law so that no can undertake researches on it. This is indeed a robbery. Robbing knowledge.
3. Pentadiplandra brazzena: it is found and grown in local tribes of Western Africa. It is 100 times as sweet as sugar and has been used by local people as a low-calorie sweetener. Commercializing this would affect countries growing sugarcane.

So this far, I have understood and found out on America.
Thank you a lot for your time here on this long, uninteresting post..
